Tuesday, July 10, 2007

" I'm just like Han Solo always stroking my own wookie, I'm the root of all that's evil yeah but you can call me cookie..."

Okay, I apologize for the delay in postings but I've been a little put off as of late. My panties in a bunch so to speak. An official Day of Debauchery has come and gone and I feel as if it was in vain. Now me and a few die hard Debaucherists did our part to keep the dream alive and I will share our day with you in a moment. But first a little bitch slappin' needs to take place.

" We only had one entry in our Madam Currie look a like contest,
and he was later disqualified, why do I bother..."

I actually had one distinguished blog reader, (yes I'm being sarcastic) say ' I thought it was just something funny you wrote on your blog, I didn't know you were serious'.

Whaaa? Everything I write on this blog is serious. Well, most of it anyway. How can you think I wasn't serious about Day of Debauchery? I'm ashamed of all my loyal readers, (all six of you), because every other person I tell of DD thinks it's a great idea.
Now before I continue to rag on the rest of you wet blankets, I must first recognize a true Debaucherist. Not only did he cave, and pretty easily I must add, to peer pressure, he ditched the plans he had with his young niece and made her cry. Just so he could take part in the day's festivities. Wow. What a true Debaucherist! He didn't let work, school or family responsibilities get in the way of a good day.
Back to the donkey punching. Once again people, this wasn't a spur-of-the-moment thing. You had plenty of warning. Plenty of time to plan a day off, fake your own death, or severe ties with family. (Damn Jess you rock!!) There was no reason for everyone not to partake. Next DD (9/21 write it down people!) should have everyone involved. If not, I'm disbanding the Debaucherist Party and you'll all be sorry, just watch.
Okay, now I know I said before that you shouldn't plan what you are going to do on DD, but I now must rethink that. We had a great time and as the first of many DD's to come, it was fun. But maybe a rough sketch, an outline so to speak, wouldn't be such a bad idea.
We (me Rudy and Jess) started out with tequila shots at nine in the morning. From there we went to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls. Then it was off to Popeye's (some names have been changed to protect the invertebrates) office for more drinking and bike riding through the conference room. When we wore out our welcome, we went to a strip club, (the first of four) for the prime rib buffet. Tasty.
The rest of the night was somewhat of a blur. I know we ended up at Hooters and at one point in the day we got high and watched other people play video games.
What a great day. It would have been better if we had more people, but great nonetheless.

We need to step it up a notch in September. Not to mention, that after visiting four strip clubs and a Hooters in one day, you get a little desensitized to boobies. That doesn't mean we're still not going to go there, we just need activities to do in between.
Now I know you losers didn't do anything, but lie to me and tell me what you would have done if you did partake. Give us a description of your perfect Day of Debauchery.

Till next time, make sure to scream out my name when you bust a nut.



Anonymous said...

I have 9/21 off and will be ready to fly with the big boys. Being your designated driver in the evening after 12 hours of debauchery was not as fun as I might have thought. FYI-for those fellow debaucherists to join in September. Sustenance, Sustenance, Sustenance!!!! They will stop for no one and nothing, bless their wicked little souls.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that word means what you think it means. Sustenance? What are we talking about here? A snickers bar? A sam-ich? Crackers and a katsup packet? Lucy, you have some splainin' to do!

Anonymous said...

Any type of food would have been nice at two in the morning for the designated, starving, driver of the debaucherists. Then again, what do I care? I am joining them and we're getting another driver next time.

Anonymous said...

DUDE-the day is arriving again, where is the damn update? I am ready, got proper padding, diaper, sustenance and the day off baby. Let's GO!