Thursday, November 15, 2007

" I found the simple life aint that simple, when I jumped out on that road..."

Greetings and salutations. I'm sorry it's been a while, blah, blah, blah. Busy and all that shit. Didn't feel like writing so deal with it. But I'm back now so shut the hell up.

I wrote a few months back about the people that piss me off. Ass clowns, mouth breathers, assbags, asshats and the like. I also mentioned that we didn't need to hurt them, just set them straight. Well, I'm here to say I was wrong. They need to be hurt. It's the only way for them to learn. You can't just humiliate them into place if they just don't get it. Like I have to tell my wife, ' they might not know they're ass clowns. it's up to us to tell them.'

I'm usually on the fence about capital punishment. Don't get me wrong, 'I'm all 'bout killin' a motha clucka', but it never seems fair on who goes to the chair and who gets life. But I'm really starting to change my tune. A few example beheadings would be all it would take. Tailgating on the highway is punishable by death. Not taking your turn at a four way stop loses you a thumb.
Not holding the door for someone (or not saying thank you if they hold it for you) gets a public caning.
Talking during a movie gets you hobbled.
Break a deal, face the wheel.
I could go on for hours, but I know your attention span is short, and I suck at typing so it would take all day. But I think you get the point I'm trying to make. People act like asses because we let them. I know that most of the time they know what they're doing, but other times they think they are fine. Well guess what? They suck!
Okay, I'm done.
Serenity now, Serenity now.
So what's up with my peeps? I bet most of you don't even check to see if I wrote anything lately. And because of that, you didn't read that last sentence either. So why am I still typing?
I'm going to try to be more dedicated about this. Not really for your enjoyment but to keep me from 'killin' you all'. I need an outlet. Time to vent.
If you're still out there,leave me a message. I'll still write regardless, but if you're out there I'll try to make it interesting.

Gots to go, me taters they be burnin'.


Anonymous said...

I am still out here and it is reassuringly soothing to know that your insanity is truly intact and flowing more than ever, gotta love you.

Anonymous said...

oh my... oh my you crack me up brotha!