Thursday, April 03, 2008

" If you haven' girl problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but a bitch aint one..."

How you doing my bitches? Sorry I didn't give you a recap of D.O.D. sooner. I was on vacation with the fam. Thanks again Jackie. But I'm back, revitalized and without that not so fresh feeling.

Wow. What a good D.O.D. I would like to thank all who attended and especially those who were there for all the festivities. Popeye, Eskimo, and New Boy Named Bitch were there from beginning to end. True Debaucherists. The fact that it was on Good Friday didn't faze them. Heathens. Way to go.

Now a recap. The day started off with the traditional shot of tequila at my house at nine in the morning. From there we went to Javier's for breakfast. Rudy and Mach met us there. Then Mach went home and Rudy went to work. What a Debauch-a-bitch. Again. From there it was Popeye, Eskimo, NBNB, and myself the rest of the way. We went to the Gallop Cafe for enormous bloody marys. From there we went to play putt-putt. NBNB, eked out a win. I should have won but you know how that shit goes. It's all political. "just a black man, in a white man's world" We stopped at the bar at the golf course and had a drink. Then, a quick drive downtown to A Taste Of Philly and got some cheese steaks. Yummy. They have other locations that I heard aren't that good, but the one on Broadway rocks.

Now a quick aside. Be prepared people. NBNB had to stop to get money. Popeye had to go home to redo her hair. Whaaa? This is D.O.D., no slowing down the pod for vanity. Just kidding sweetie. But not for NBNB.

Back at my house, we had another drink and then it was off to da club. I'm sad to report that Isis wasn't there, but there were a bevy of boobies, I mean beauties that were just as tasty. No, come to think of it, I did mean boobies. We were joined by Rudy, Mach, Teo, Acorta, and Ray. Soon after, The Rhino showed up with Adelmo. Good to see the Lunski in the house. We had many drinks and shots and stayed our usual time. Then it was off to Carl's for pizza with the whole crew. Eleven Debaucherists strong!

Another quick aside. I guess I need to explain some D.O.D. ethics. I know that sounds like a contradiction of terms, but I need to bring it up. When a wife, even one who is a fellow Debaucherist, asks 'where is my husband?', you don't answer, 'in the back getting a lap dance from the waitress'. uh uh, not cool. Yes it's extremely cool that I did that ( I rock, who knew she would), but run a little interference guys. C'mon!!! Nothing like seein' some waitress booty, and looking back and seein' the missus. She's cool, but not to thrilled she wasn't invited. Anyway.

From Carl's, we went to Rudy's house for another drink. Then, why do we listen to Rudy, we ended up at some lame club that cost us ten bucks to get in. Didn't stay long, and headed home for the night. All in all, another great Day of Debauchery.

Now for some praise. A big hand for Popeye who not only made it from beginning to end, but didn't start a fight with her husband. Another hand goes to the Eskimo who has attended every D.O.D. so far. To NBNB, you did great on your first time out. Still questioning you on calling your one nightstand (for the third time? dude, you have a girlfriend now) but if your day ends with a little nookie, good for you. Thinking about changing your name for the next time, but you have a long time to screw up, so let's just wait.

That's about it for the recap. If I missed anything, or you need to elaborate or defend yourself, please feel free to comment. To those who didn't attend (Texas, Missouri, Wyoming) shame on you. But write and tell us what you did.



Anonymous said...

I rock! No lap dances without notification and an invite MISTER!

Anonymous said...

wow, i made every dod? didn't really notice, cuz that's just my usual friday routine!eskimo

Anonymous said...

i mean really, gettin his hair "did" on dod. I could've pissed on his head and it would have looked better....but smelled worse, HA! eskimo

Anonymous said...

You're Welcome!

Maybe next time I can be your designated driver!

Anonymous said...

That is Jackie above, checking out the blog. She couldn't figure out how to sign off, silly girl. xoxo

Anonymous said...

June 20th, Sharon's B-day, possibility Elvis will be in town and Newbie's B-day the next week. Hum, thing we will celebrate a bit big this time! Still thinking that trampoline dodge ball sounds great. We have bowled, put-put, seen a movie, so we have to come up with something new. How about a mean game of dodge ball at a local school ground. Sounds enticing doesn't it?