Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"My name is volatile, I've been this way a long while..."

What's crackin' chitlins'?

Another DOD has come and gone and as always, I'm a little lost. When you have a vacation, or party, or DOD planned for awhile, you have that something to look forward to. A reason to trudge through your monotonous days. But when that special day is over, you really don't have anything to work towards.

Now a recap of Friday. We started in the traditional way - tequila shot at my house at nine in the morning. It was myself, Popeye, Sharon, Elvis, and believe it or not, Rudy. Eskimo planned on attending the whole day but had early morning problems with his bank. The former Debauch-a-bitch (Rudy) did not see this as a legitimate excuse and continued to rag on him until he joined in later.
I quote: "You fuckers do nothing but give me shit all year no matter what excuse I have, so fuck him."
From there we were off to Javier's for breakfast. Tasty. We then decided to track Eskimo down. We drove to his apartment stopping on the way to pick up cocktail ingredients and red beers. Much to our chagrin, (never used that word before) he was on his way to his work to pick up his check. After we served up a few cocktails, we were off on our quest for the elusive yeti, I mean Eskimo. On route we stopped at Target to pick up Frisbees for later and a new shirt for me. Damn red beers! Who wears a yellow shirt on DOD? Really? We then proceeded to Eskimo's work to find that he was not there. It was turning into a retarded game of Where's Waldo. - Side note - Eskimo did have a shirt resembling that. Heehee. This chase wasn't as bad as it sounds considering we had drinks and we weren't at work. When he showed up, he said he had a few thing to take care of, which was fine because we had to walk up to Walgreen's to get more OJ for our screwdrivers. Yummy. When we returned to the DOD van, Eskimo's truck was gone. Dammit Waldo! We decided to head up Broadway in search of a bar. Now, anybody familiar with Denver knows that Broadway is littered with bars. We stopped at one on Alameda (roughly) and Broadway. I don't remember the name. It was pretty cool little bar. Had a nice patio. Eskimo called and said he was almost there so we ordered another round and shot some pool. It wasn't til then that Rudy pointed out the kind of bar we were in. Subtle clues were everywhere, but if you weren't paying attention, you couldn't tell by the clientele that was present... The Debaucherists wandered into a gay bar. This doesn't really matter, we're not haters, I only bring it up because it is funny that we didn't notice right away and what happened when we left. That in a second. Eskimo showed up and we had our second round on the patio, and the cool bartender brought over complimentary shots. Totally cool. We decided we needed to drop Eskimo's truck off back at my house and we left our new favorite gay bar. On our way to the van, another guy pulled in the lot. When he got out of his car, he made eye contact with Elvis, and since we are quite the social pod, Elvis said hello. This was returned with "Hi cute boys."....Wow.
That was funny, a little creepy, but damn funny. I suggested we bring him along but Elvis hurried us into the truck and we were off.

Our next stop was at Berkley Park in north Denver. We picked up eighteen shooters of different varieties and started a game of Frisbee golf. The person with the most throws on each whole had to drink a shooter randomly picked from the bag. I drank one, Sharon and Popeye tied on a hole and did one and Rudy did three. This all took place on only three holes. Rudy then started to play full contact golf and then laid in the grass as the rest of us threw the Frisbees around for awhile. When we were tired, it was off again. To the nudey bar!!!
On the way we stopped for a few family packs at the Hamburger Stand. Yummy! Not really sure why or what he said, but Popeye punched Rudy in the forehead. Funny. Then off to the strip club for several hours. Rudy was unable to join us for two hours because he was passed out in the van. Too much, too fast. We were very happy (at first) to run into our girl Isis. We drank and talked and ogled. We then left to meet friends (I actually thought we were meeting different friends then we did) over in Highlands for a drink. - side note- Rudy was a little pissed going into this DOD about all the shit thrown at him (much deserved I would say) about being a Debauch-a-bitch. So he took it upon himself to step it up a notch this time out. He purchased some chocolates that were, um, fungi enhanced. Yeah, you heard me. This put Popeye in a whole different world.
We went back to the strip club, which totally freaked me out. When it was time to leave, we had to peel Eskimo off a stripper. We then headed to V.I. for breakfast.

That was the outline of the day. There were many things that happened along the way and I invite you to post them in the comments.

We were bummed that we didn't hook up with dingleberry and Fiefel. Would have much better had drinks with them instead, but too much chocolate impaired our reasoning skills. We will make up for that real soon.

We also missed the Rhino, but he was being a rockstar in Utah. Next time we will go with you and Debaucherize there.
I'm going to end a little abruptly because this is going on too long. Don't forget to comment.



Anonymous said...

Let's just say, this guy (gal) loves the Funghi! Oh yeah, what a great DOD this was voice or no voice.

Anonymous said...

I know you were all diggin' my "stoner" skills with the frisbee. If it had gone on any longer everyone in the pod would have been passed out in the park, 'sept me.

Anonymous said...

I think I can speak for Dingleberry and I when I say that I'm bummed about missing DOD! Especially the frisbee portion of the program! Maybe we can get together this weekend? There a few rugby games over at the Glendale stadium on Saturday! What's everyone up to?