Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"...And fuck the naysayers cause they don't mean a thing, cause this is the style we bring..."


My God are you a pushy bunch!
'Whens the new blog? Whens the new blog?'

When I fuckin' feel like it, that's when!

Just kidding, don't get your panties in a bunch. Like I've said many a time, I don't write to inform, I write to entertain. Well, maybe not exactly to entertain as much as to talk a gang of shit.
But still.
I know you guys, all six of you, you could give a rats ass about my everyday b.s.. I could spout off the minutes of my day or half-heartily comment about something in the news, but I hope by now you hold me at a higher level then most bloggers.

Holy crap, did I just refer to myself as a...blogger? If I ever do that again, especially in public, please kick me in the nuts.

This blo.. I mean entry, is not really gonna be that long or about much. I know you're relieved. Just a few notes.

A few weeks ago, we held the first movie marathon of the summer, the View-Askiew-athon! We watched six Kevin Smith movies, natch. It was great. we stopped only to get food and use the bathroom. Rhino and I were the only Debaucherists to last the whole time. The rest break down as such:
Popeye- first four movies.
Michelle- first two movies.
Eskimo- last three movies.
Shame upon those who did not attend. I'm lookin' in your direction Rudy. You are truly earning your Debauch-a-bitch title. And New Boy Named Bitch, where do I start?

'I don't really like Kevin Smith movies'.

You were so close to getting a new name this Friday, now, I just don't know.

We are planning another movie marathon in the next few weeks, Mike Meyers-palooza! I'm thinking maybe the 28th. We could figure out the day on DOD.

Speaking of which, IT'S DOD TIME AGAIN!!!! June 20th, this Friday for the calendar impaired, is the Summer Day Of Debauchery! I don't need to stress the importance of this day, do I? I ask this because we still have a few Debaucherists who don't seem to be committed to the cause. Once again, lookin' your direction Rudy. I know we all have jobs and obligations, but we all had plenty of time to plan accordingly. If you can't attend all the festivities, give me a call and let me know when you can jump in. This is important not only so we can tell you where we're going to be, but also so I won't rip you a new one in the next blog. Rudy!

So I hope to see you at my house at 9 o'clock (AM slackers) for the traditional shot of Tequila. So lace 'em up and wear a cup 'cause it's DOD time baby!!!



the newbie... said...

I love Kevin Smith....If I had the chance I would be his sex slave like Duck!

Anonymous said...

Well since I praticipated in the last DOB and I was even mentioned in the post-DOB blog I figured I was allowed to comment. Dan: since I am no longer just "the one night stand" I would like a new name when I join you guys on Friday. Put your thinking cap on! :) I know you guys have no idea where you'll be going but if you have the slighest idea of where you might be between 4 and
5pm let me know. Looking forward to part deux!

the newbie... said...


Because of the improper request of a name change, note:

NBNB is not responsible for any questions, wants, needs, bitches, moans, gripes, complaints that Laura,(Vivian), has to say about/to the DOD clan. No kicks in the balls will be warranted to NBNB at anytime.

Anonymous said...

That disclaimer alone warrants a kick in the balls....and oh yeah, I'm wearing my ball kickin shoes!

Anonymous said...

I don't like to put comments on my own site, but sometimes I must.
First, ONS, it's DOD not DOB. I'll write this off as a typo, no biggie. But a request of a name change? Way to early darling. Plus the last thing you want is for us to think about it.
Second, NBNB,no disclaimers. take it like a man. Do you know the shit I took for Popeye's actions?
And third, you will pay for the sex slave comment. I prefer 'love pocket'.

Laura Lieff said...

Mr. Rubber Ducky: I do apologize for the typo but not for the name change request! Although you do make a good point about giving you time to think of a really "creative" name for me...oh well, I guess we shall see. :)

Thanks to Eskimo and Ducky for calling bullshit on NBNB's disclaimer comment...where's the love?!

Anonymous said...

I am frightfully afraid you will see more love than you want tomorrow. But just for the record, you Rock! Someone has to give my man a run for his money and I have a feeling we are going to have a hell of a good time tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Wow. now I know why NBNB made it more than one night. Fear. "She's quite a philly."
and by the way, nobody calls me 'ducky' unless we're both naked. that goes for you too NBNB.