Friday, June 27, 2008

" You got rats on the west side, bed bugs uptown, what a mess, this towns in tatters..."


Sorry it took a whole week to write after the last DOD. It took all this time to digest and critique what went down. Good times were had, names were doled out, and mistakes were made. But, all in all, another great day of sin.

We start with a recap: The day started with the ceremonial shot of tequila at my house. Myself, Popeye, Eskimo, Rhino, Sharon, and NBNB were in attendance. We then met up with Papa who graciously donated the shag wagon for day. We had another shot of (bad) tequila at a bar called the Outpost. From there, it was off to the Waffle House. Yummy! On the way there, we past a field. Eskimo said it was weird seeing a field of corn in the middle of the city. NBNB piped up to state that it was not only corn but also an oat field. WTF? Nice interjection farmer Ted. From that moment on, NBNB earned his new name, Dingleberry Finn!

After breakfast, where we witnessed DF eat his body weight in steak (that boy loves the meat), we went to the Flea Market in search of bargains! After an hour and a half in the hot sun, we went to the movies to see Get Smart. Pleasantly surprised. We then walked across the street to Kokoro Bowl for some food and Saki. Then it was off to PT's for some boobies! We spent a few hours there and was joined by One Night Stand. We then followed (poorly I might add) DF and ONS to a bar on east Colfax. Cool patio on the roof. During drinks and convo, ONS let out a squeak. Yeah, you heard me, a squeak. From there on, she is now known as Fiefel.

We walked up a few blocks to the Cosmic Cowboy. It's not as gay as it sounds. They have a small game room in which I kicked Eskimo's ass all over it! Okay, to his defense, he did beat me on one game. MS. Pacman, 'nough said.

We loaded up in the shag wagon and headed back to PT's. we stood maybe an hour and then headed home for the day around 2 a.m. Another DOD goes in the books.

Now some details and comments. The Waffle House was good, I mean any place that has a hash brown menu is aces in my book. But it is a small place. We were seven Debaucherists strong. We had to sit at two separate booths. We will probably go back to Javier's in September.

If you're wondering about the extra person at breakfast, it was Debauch-a-bitch. He was only in attendance for breakfast. I'm getting tired of ripping on him. So let's just leave it at... HE SUCKS!!!

Next, the Flea Market was a mistake. It was okay because none of us have been there in years and funny comments were made,( I mean really, how often do you hear Karate Kid references?) but it was too hot and took a lot out of us. Not to mention the shag wagon doesn't have air conditioning. We were spent

Then, we were all a little queasy after consuming too much butter on our popcorn at the movies. When Eskimo was close to bailin' on the rest of the day, that tells you something.

PT's was dead for a Friday afternoon. This cast a funky vibe over the joint. Even the strippers were in a weird mood. Eskimo said maybe we're over it. Maybe right, but in three months, you know we'll be back.

When we went back the second time, it became apparent that Sharon developed the first case of drunk Turret's (i don't know how to spell that and I'm not going to look it up). As we walked from the parking lot to the club, she would say a few cuss words. When I would ask what was wrong, she would say nothing. Then a few feet later she would cuss again. I would ask again if she was alright and she would laugh and say she was fine. ??? She stayed in bed all weekend and when we finally talked to her on Sunday, she said she thinks she was wiped out because of heat stroke. Riiiiight. It had nothing to do with drinking margaritas for 15 hours.

And finally, I think the main problem was that me and Eskimo were sober at the end off the night. How can that be?

We will be in full swing come September and we will have a few mini practices throughout the summer. Think hard on activities for next time.

Make sure you comment/defend yourself and I want to hear from you out of towners who did not attend.



Anonymous said...

We need a damn designated driver for this shit. First I, Popeye, had to drive all day long and stay sober and then so I could have a few drinks Eskimo had to take over and quit drinking. I think that should be on the top of the agenda for September. That and a possible kidnapping of the debaucha-bitch next time around! Let's make ourselves a force to be reckoned with, I mean we are debaucherists for goodness sakes. Oh, and BTW I made it for the second time in a row! Although, I am sure the day I passed out by 3 pm in the strip club parking lot was proof I had more fun being unruley.

Anonymous said...

I need a blog, give me a blog, where is the blog, I got to have a NEW BLOG!