Monday, September 08, 2008

" I'm a trouble-maker, never been a faker. Doing stuff my own way, never givin' up..."

Ciao my brethren, ciao.

Been busy as of late, kids back in school, end of summer, blah blah blah. I would like to thank all that came to our BBQ. Sorry that it rained, but what could you do? Once it stopped, we had a great time and got tore up. Well, at least I did.

Also, happy b-day to Fiefel, it was fun Saturday night. And no, it was not my fault Dingleberry was that drunk. I was a good boy that night. Which brings up a good point: Being the designated driver sucks. Not because you can't drink, but because drunk people are annoying when you're sober. They are not as funny as they think they are. I would apologize to the sober people when I'm drunk, but who am I kidding, I am funny.

Over the past few weeks, I came close to writing a few posts but then came to my senses. I have never watched a political convention. Ever. Really, not once. This year, I watched both. I think it mainly was for the fact that it happened here in Denver. I saw three days of the Dems, and two days of the GOP. Interesting only because the candidates involved. I like them both. I won't go into whom I'm voting for, though if you really know me it's obvious, but I do respect those involved. I say I came close because I had thoughts (smart ass comments actually) but they were fleeting. Not because my opinions changed, but because I don't want to be that guy. You know who I'm talking about, that guy (or girl) that will not listen to anything or anybody who doesn't agree with him. I usually look forward to an argument, but when it comes to politics, people take it too personal. Not to say that it's not important, but an open mind shouldn't be too much to ask for. It scares me when people vote only according to party lines. I admit that I have only voted for one party, but not just because they were part of that party. I listen to both sides (sometimes more) and decide from there. Haven't agreed the other way yet, but I have an open mind nonetheless.

For those party-liners remember, both sides have major flaws. Both have had their share of idiots as candidates. Both have had great leaders as well as ass-clowns. Don't carry their flag, it's too heavy with historical baggage. Vote your conscience, revel in victory or whine in defeat, but then, and this is important, move on. Don't want to hear about how you voted for the other guy. Anyway.

I have had a hard time posting anything new this summer. Sorry. Haven't really felt too creative. I think the sun sucks away my inspiration. Either that, or the blood that normally flows to the creative part of my brain is flowing down south if you know what I mean. I really like women. The problem now is that I'm having the urge to write again, but not necessarily the material that I would post here. For those that don't know, I have been writing for quite some time. Short stories, poems, and over the last six-eight years, screenplays. Now, most have never been read by anybody but me, still I have a lot. The cooler weather and overcast days drive me to the coffee shop and I go nuts. The last few years at work have been overwhelming. This year however, things have stabilized and my schedule is back to normal. I will try to dedicate time to this post (weekly I hope), and not bore you with my other writing unless you would like to read that stuff. Let me know, I could post it here or send some directly.

Another thing to molest, I mean touch on. Some have asked about all the nicknames used throughout my blogs. Some have no clue who I'm talking about. Others wonder why they don't have one. Well, be careful what you ask for. Isn't that right Fiefel? If you want to know true identities or get your own alias, you need to join the pod. Not just on DOD, but other functions as well. Don't bitch, just show up.

And finally, I recently heard that I have a new reader in Michigan. That's fucking cool! I must admit I did get a little nervous though, thought maybe I might need to watch my language a little more. Fuck that! Sorry. I think that brings me to five states: Colorado, Texas, Wyoming, Missouri, Michigan. I rock! Now, I know I only have one reader each of those states, but still. If there are any more out there let me know. I need my ego (as well as other things) stroked.

Look next week sometime for a DOD update and reminder. Till then, crank one out in my honor.



Anonymous said...

Yes, being the designated driver does suck. We really need a non-participant driver for DOD. That is always a killer as I know I have had the driving responsibility several times and Eskimo and Duck had it last time, and they concure-IT SUCKS! Suggestions?

Anonymous said...

As usual this blog had me laughing out loud. Thanks for the birthday shout out! So awesome of you guys to show up. Since Dingleberry and I are going to Michigan this weekend and I will be taking two days off for that, I will not be able to take the day off on Sept 19for DOD HOWEVER, I will definitely be there after work to participate in the festivities! Now that the blog is up and running again things should get interesting!