Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Out on bail, fresh outta jail, California dreamin...."

I wanna go back to the beach! Seriously, work sucks and the mountains are overrated. At least to me anyway. I live here only because this is where I was hatched. Don't get me wrong, I love Colorado. I love that we have four seasons. I just wish we didn't have to see all of them in one week. The beach life is for me. Anyway.

This Friday is the summer Day of Debauchery. But I gotta tell ya little campers, I'm just not feelin' it. May sucks! Way too many of you little fuckers have B-days then, too many graduations (though I am extremely proud of Lumpa), and then we went on vacation. I'm beat, broke, and broken. I don't have the will to live much less the will to drink all day. I know what you're thinking and fuck you. You all feel the same way.

No more yanky my wanky, the Donger need food!

So I spoke to my inner circle (Popeye, Eskimo, Rhino, and Ru) and we agreed that it wouldn't be right to skip it, but it would be okay, just this once, to celebrate on Saturday and make it a DOD lite. No nine AM tequila shot, no breakfast, and no strip club. That last one is debatable as the day progresses. We were thinking lunch, a movie, a couple drinks on a bar patio somewhere, then a nap. If we wake up, we might head down to the Loft where Ru has a solstice party happening. If not, oh' well. Damn it sucks getting old.

On another topic, I want to post more, well posts, but I don't because of a lack of topics. Now I have a lot to write about, but it might not be what you normally expect here. We all remember the last time I wrote something that I wanted to write about instead of trying to make you laugh. Fuckers. I got blasted and laughed at. I really didn't care about the criticism, I crave that, I just think you bastards just tuned me out and yelled 'dance monkey!'.

So in the next week or so I plan on posting more inane shit. If you like it, write a comment. If you hate it, write a comment. And tell one of your friends to check it out too. Like I said, I crave attention as well as criticism.

Bring it on bitches!!!


1 comment:

Angel said...

DOD Lite was perfect, what a great idea.
I, being a fan of the Dano writings, would love to see more of your thoughts on paper so bring it on.
I have so many other ways of making you dance like a monkey.