Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"A Friend in Need's a Friend Indeed, But a Friend With Weed is Better..."

Happy (merry) HannaKwanzMas!

Do not start complaining about the tardiness of my post or I will snap! It took me and the Mrs. over an hour to just login to the damn site, and now it won't let me use the bold or italic keys. So it is now up to you, my flock, to remember where I usually bold/italicize shit and just pretend you can see it!

This Friday, December 18Th for you slow people, is our winter Day of Debauchery!!! I know you all have tons of shit to do, parties, shopping, work, but I don't care. None of your shit matters in the grand scheme of things. What does matter is D.O.D.! Tell your boss to suck it! Let the bastards in your life know that you didn't have time to shop for them mainly because you rather think of your own happiness. And really, would some other holiday party be better than D.O.D? No.

This is usually where I tell you that you need/deserve/want this blah,blah blah. I'm too bored to do that. If you need convincing, go back a few blogs, I'm sure I put some kind of bullshit rantings about that.

Also this weekend, we are going to have another movie marathon on Saturday! We will be featuring the great Chevy Chase!!! Yes I heard he is an ass in real life but I don't know him personally so I don't give a fuck. He makes funny movies. Unfortunately,we have to limit it to five movies or it would have to take three days to get in all his classics. Instead, we will be watching: Vacation, European Vacation, Vegas Vacation, Fletch, and Caddyshack. If you have a complaint about the movies chosen you can bite me. These are the ones I want to watch. We will start around nine-nine thirty. Yes it's early, but we have comfy couches and coffee and breakfast burritos. Alcohol, snacks, and other meals will be available throughout the day. This is the perfect way to deal with your D.O.D. hangover.

As if this weekend wasn't hectic enough, my mom is having her annual Xmas/chili beans party on Saturday. This will be at her house and start around 5 or 6, nobody told me the time. Maybe I'm not invited, I don't know. This is always a fun time and everybody is invited. Yes, this will disrupt the movie marathon, but we can go over as a group, eat, drink, mingle, then head back and finish up back at my house.

So remember, stretch, hydrate, notify next of kin, and leave your morals at home. We start Friday morning at nine a.m. at my house with shots of tequila. As always, where we go from there is up to the herd.

So you better not shout, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm tellin' you why. Why? Cause if act like a little bitch, the rest of the Debuacherists will slap you like a little bitch!

And to all a good night!

1 comment:

Angel said...

Wow, uber late reading this but funny as always.