Wednesday, October 01, 2008

"Bow wow wow yipee yo yipee yay, bow wow yipee yo yippe yay..."

How you doing today my people? Just another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won't you be be my tater?

Let change my shoes...Put on my sweater...There. Now I'm ready to face the day. So what's up? Not many responded to the DOD recap. Bastards! That's fine. But it saddens me that you folks haven't realized that I'm an attention hound. I say that I'm not. I say that I would rather be in the back. But lets be real. I need validation! Hey look at me! Duck is doing something funny!

I have made it an effort the past few days to curb my anger. Not that I think it is a problem, I like it to be honest. But I thought I could use that energy better channeled in different ways. Like x-ray vision or blowing shit up with my mind. I've started by overlooking the faults and poor manners of the simpletons that invade my space and impact my life. I have done my best to not give in to road rage. I have done my best to not get angry at impolite people. And I have to admit, it is a lot harder than it sounds. People generally suck. But during my little rage detox, I found out some disturbing things about myself as well as others.

We crave negative feelings. We respond more to that which makes us mad or sad. Example: You are approaching a door to a building. In front of you is a person three or four steps ahead. You are already thinking this person is going to be a dick and not hold the door for you. You're waiting for it. When he goes through, he doesn't hold it for you. What do you do? Pause. Dramatically open it yourself, then sarcastically say 'thanks a lot'. You shake your head in disgust and think for the next few moments on how bad things have gotten and how people these days have no manners.

Now, what happens when he does hold the door for you? You do that fake quick step, smile and say thank you. But then you totally move on. You don't think, 'oh what a nice man'. It passes away quickly. Why? Because we assume that the world is a good fair place. We assume that everybody was raised with the same values and manners that we were.

But what's wrong with that? Shouldn't everybody have good manners? I think so but that's not up to me. These people aren't my kids. I didn't raise them. Therefore I can't expect them to do the right thing every time. Hell, I don't do the right thing every time.

It just seems to me that we rather be mad and feel superior than be happy and grateful. Try it the next few days. Let the bad manners and habits of others fade away. Try focusing on the simple things that people do that are polite. It's not easy. Again, people suck. But this little experiment will make you realize a few things. First, there are more good people in the world than bad. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it's true. Second, we waste to much time stewing about ass clowns and their actions that really don't have any long term impact on our lives. And third, and to me this is the most important, it is not a law or rule that people have to be nice and polite to each other. It would be nice if it was, but it's not. They don't have to hold the door for you. They don't have to let you merge into their lane. When they do, be grateful. Don't kiss their ass, but be sincere in saying thank you. And when they aren't polite, smile and move on. Don't carry that crap with you.

This rant isn't to make 'the world a better place'. This isn't to have peace on earth. And fuck buying the world a Coke. It is just to get you to think and focus on better things like sex!

Try it. It's harder than it sounds. Let me know how long you last. And if you can't take it, go postal. It makes for good viewing on the news. Just go off creatively instead of violently. Randomly beat people down with a pillow. Throw paper clips at them. Take a dump in their mailbox. Violence is for the unimaginative.

Rant to you later, I have to go tea bag the guy who cut in line at the store.

Fuck the bozos!!!

See ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah Monkey, dance!
I guess you do have to stand on your head for everybody!